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A B O U T  U S

Because we work as a team, we are often able to provide multiple services to our clients. For example,
we often are able to provide therapists for both members of a partnership and a separate therapist for
the couples therapy. In the family setting we can often provide different therapists for each child and
parent, and also provide a separate therapist for the family as a whole. This collaboration allows for a
high degree of continuity of care and often leads to increased positive outcomes.


M E E T  T H E  T E A M

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Patrick has been a therapist for like 10 years now. Maybe more. He specializes in Borderline Personality Disorder and has advanced training in DBT. He incorporates DBT skills into his daily living activities. His favorite part of being a therapist is decorating the office. In his free time he
offers free therapy to his wife, family, and friends, enjoys going to music festivals, and plays Pokémon Go daily.



Molly (AMFT/APCC) graduated from California State University, Sacramento with her Masters in
Counseling Education with a focus in Marriage and Family Therapy and Professional Clinical Counseling.
She is originally from the Bay Area but has lived in the Sacramento area for the majority of her life. Her
dog, sushi, Disneyland, and reality television are what bring her the most joy. She loves being outdoors
and exploring her city with her friends and loved ones. She enjoys the collaborative nature of therapy
and believes that the client is the expert. Her long-term goal is to incorporate her passion and love of
dance with her therapeutic practice. She is beginning the process of exploring becoming a R-DMT
(Registered Dance Movement Therapist).



Jack has a Master’s Degree in Psychological Counseling with an emphasis in Marriage and Family
Therapy (MFT) and Professional Clinical Counseling (PCC) from the University of San Fransisco. Jack is a
Bay Area native who has lived in the Sacramento Area for most of the last decade and enjoys the
benefits of the region. Jack likes to travel, try different cuisines, spend time outdoors, catch the
occasional King’s or Rivercat’s game and spend time with his partner. Jack has years of experience
working in mental health, with an emphasis with Transitioned Aged Youth (16-25), adults with mental
illnesses, the LGBT+ community, trauma, behavioral awareness as well as other life challenges and



Shawna is an associate MFT originally from the Bay Area. She enjoys spending time with her
dog and going to Emo concerts. She has a passion for helping others and loves to see her clients make
breakthroughs in their lives. Outside of work she spends time doing house projects, hiking, and watching
youtube. Her dream is to buy a house by the ocean and do therapy at the beach.

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Brittni is an associate marriage and family therapist who specializes in mulit-cultural therapy. She
played basketball competitively in high school before tearing her ACL. She draws inspiration from Steph
Curry and tries to use that inspiration in therapy. She appreciates the spiritual side of therapy and how it
can bring new insight and meaning to her clients’ lives. She is recently married and has a newborn


Natalia received her Master’s in Social Work from The University of Tennessee, where she
studied trauma-focused evidenced based practice. She takes a strength-based approach, allowing for
clients to work through their challenges while building confidence and assurance. 
As a bilingual therapist, she strives to incorporate cultural competency within her practice,
understanding how our cultural differences can impact our own individual experience. Her trainings
include Trauma-Focused therapy, Historical trauma, Suicide prevention, and DBT. Her specialties
include Trauma & PTSD, Families, Children, LGBTQ+ , and Adults. In her spare time, she enjoys
landscape photography and exploring new places. She also has a dog and will always appreciate any
pictures of your pet.


Rana is an associate MFT and associate PCC with training in DBT in addition to traditional talk
therapy and is originally from Tehran, Iran. She has a passion for ice skating, volleyball and fostering
kittens she finds on the street. She enjoys working with all types of people, but she has a soft spot for
teens and young adults. In her free time, she does Pilates, watches Sci-Fi movies, and boxes. She fights
off random urges to move to Bali or Greece.

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